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» أصل كلمة بلجيكي
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2 مشترك

    Hello to you in Sarafand Ammar

    المدير العام
    المدير العام

    عدد المساهمات : 264
    تاريخ التسجيل : 14/11/2009

    Hello to you in Sarafand Ammar Empty Hello to you in Sarafand Ammar

    مُساهمة  mohammad.j.h الأربعاء فبراير 24, 2010 8:30 am

    Statistics and facts Value
    Israeli occupation date May 20, 1948
    Distance from district center 5 km north-west of al-Ramla
    Average height of 50 m.
    The military operation carried out against the town Brac
    Village remains after destruction of the second battalion of the military Givati
    The cause of displacement due to assault by Jewish troops
    The destruction of the majority of houses destroyed, and at most two houses were raped by the Zionists
    Ethnic cleansing has been completely ethnically cleansed
    Ownership of the land, ethnic background, ownership of the land / sq.m
    Palestinian 9,223
    Leaked to the Zionists 761
    Republication 3,283
    Total 13.267

    Land usage in 1945 the quality of the space used Palestinians (acres) Jewish (acres)
    Land planted with citrus 3,509 261
    Irrigated & Plantation 1,665 0
    Land planted with olives 120 0
    Planted with grain 6,730 500
    Built 36 0
    Fit for cultivation 11.904 761
    Port 566 0

    Census year people
    1596 358
    1922 862
    1931 1.183
    1945 1.950
    1948 2.262
    Est Refugees
    In 1998 13,891

    Year Number of cottages homes
    1931 265
    1948 506

    Educational status was in the town with a minimum of two schools:
    The town was an elementary school for boys founded in 1921. In 1946 had an enrollment of 292 students
    The town had an elementary school for females. In 1947 had an enrollment of 50 students
    Town's name through history may be the word Sarafand distortion of the word (purely) Syriac sense (smelting and refining of metals) and known in the Roman era, the name (Srevi).
    Water supplies the territory of Ramle and Lod, Arab and Alsatrip Alsevrip and جنداس
    There was revered shrine in the village of "Lukman Hakim"
    Archaeological sites, containing the village shrine population confirms that serves as a "Lukman Hakim," and contains the tombs and tanks and Naos
    History and geography
    Sarafand word may be a distortion of the word (purely) Syriac sense (smelting and refining of metals) and known in the Roman era, the name (Srevi). Lying to the north-west of the city of Ramle, about 5 km, and rises above the sea 50 m to the west of the city of Lod. The land area covers 13267 acres. Surrounded by the territory of Ramle and Lod, Arab and Alsatrip Alsevrip and جنداس. The number of population in 1922 (862) people and the year 1945 (1950) people, containing the village shrine confirms its residents that serves as a "Lukman Hakim," and contains the tombs and tanks and Naos. The Zionist organizations armed demolished the village and the homeless in 48's about (2262) people, have happened in 20/5/1948, the Zionists established colonies on its territory "Tsrifin" in 1949. * In 1954 established a colony on the territory of the village "Nertisvi." In 1953 a colony was established on Orailla "Tlmi Menashe," but on the territory of the village of Abu al-Fadl, despite its proximity to the Sarafand.
    Village today
    Is the site, which contains what can be considered the biggest camp of the Israeli army, and on an air base, is a closed military zone. That was left of the village, only six houses, mostly deserted. However, the Israeli occupying such houses, or houses. The surrounding lands, Weseraha Israelis.
    Zionist settlements on the territory of the village
    In 1949, Israel established a colony on the ruins of the village Tsrifin (136151), which includes a camp of the Israeli army. Also established a colony Nir Zvi (137151) in 1954. And established a colony Tlmi Menashe (135150) in the neighborhood in 1953, and although it is close to the site, they are built on the territory of the village of Abu al-Fadl destroyed.
    mohammad hammad
    mohammad hammad

    عدد المساهمات : 186
    تاريخ الميلاد : 11/07/1994
    تاريخ التسجيل : 19/11/2009
    العمر : 29
    الموقع : 3lsarafande.piczo.com

    Hello to you in Sarafand Ammar Empty رد: Hello to you in Sarafand Ammar

    مُساهمة  mohammad hammad الأربعاء فبراير 24, 2010 9:51 am

    Wonderful information
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      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الجمعة أبريل 19, 2024 12:39 am